Feeling good about yourself on the outside transcends to confidence within

Aram, a man with a mustache and glasses sporting a smile standing in front of a building
Aram Rahimpour, RN
Cosmetic Nurse
Aram Aesthetics
Beauty is not only skin deep. Feeling good about yourself on the outside transcends to confidence within. This is the inspiration for Aram Aesthetics, and is implemented by lead practitioner Aram Rahimpour through his approach to enhancing natural beauty in subtle but effective ways, his passion for aesthetic nursing, his close attention to fine detail, and his drive to provide high-quality services.
Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections have been proven over 20 years to be a safe and effective treatment for fine lines and wrinkles. These Injections target specific muscle groups, causing them to relax. Along with reducing the appearance of existing lines, they have also been effective in preventing new lines from forming. This is a quick and non-surgical approach to achieving a refreshed and natural look.

Cost is $13 per unit.

a woman smiling with her hands on her face.
Frown lines
Reduce and soften the appearance of lines between the eyebrows.
Average dose 10-20 units.
A close up of a man with a big smile, with a very short hair and a very well trimmed beard. Showcasing his wrinkle free forehead.
Reduce and soften the appearance of lines in forehead.
Average dose 8-14 units.
a woman with her eyes closed, with smooth areas around her eyes. Her hand under her chin.
Crow’s feet
Reduce and soften the appearance of lines at the corner of eyes.
Average dose 12-20 units.
In some cases anti-wrinkle injections could also be useful in improving the appearance of Gummy Smile (excessive exposure of the upper gum when smiling), Bunny Lines (appearance of lines along the side of the nose), Lip Lines (lipstick lines or smoker’s lines), and Marionette Lines (down-turned corners of the mouth). Anti-wrinkle injections could also be effective in slimming the jaw (by targeting the Masseter muscle) and creating Lip Flip.
Each treatment is tailored to meet individual patient needs and objectives. Pricing is variable and determined through consultation.
Still have questions?
If you want to talk about treatment options to suit you, please contact me